Forgiving someone doesn't come easy, asking for forgiveness is hard to do and forgiving yourself is almost impossible. I have heard this word "forgiveness" for almost 2 1/2 years since Mckenna's death. "You need to FORGIVE yourself, it wasn't your fault, it was an ACCIDENT." What people don't understand is no matter the fact that it was an ACCIDENT it truly was my fault. It was because of my actions of moving the television that Mckenna is no longer here. I am responsible for my daughters death. Until this past January I could not "forgive" myself. How could I let myself off the hook for killing Mckenna? Well what I have come to learn in this journey is that yes I am the one that moved the TV, yes I am the one responsible for taking Mckenna's life but it was an ACCIDENT. I DID NOT intend for this to happen, I DID NOT do this on purpose, I made a MISTAKE yes a very BIG MISTAKE, but I have taken responsiblity for what I have done a...
Life as it Happens